Dear club members and supporters,
I am honoured to have been elected as the President of the Hoppers Crossing Soccer Club at our recent (18/11/2022) Annual General Meeting.
2023 will be a big year for our club as we continue to feel the impact of Covid 19 on many aspects of our operations. From the challenges of fielding teams to reduced revenue.
At this time, I would like to express the thanks of the club to outgoing President Jessie Smart who with her husband Kevin have held the club together in more ways than many will know during the most difficult period the club has faced.
Jessie has stepped down as she has clearly given her all and it is time for her to have some respite after navigating the club through 2020 to 2022.
I also thank committee member Danial McKee for the work he has done to steer Hoppers Crossing. While it is sad to see him go, it is clear he has worked for the benefit of us all.
There is a lot of work to do and that is why I thank continuing members of the committee, Kevin Smart as Secretary, Alex Cois as Treasurer and Paul Garbett as a General Committee Member.
Our new members of the committee; Carolyn Connor, Chris Ferguson and Eddie Machado will be working with team coaches, team managers and players to gain the best results we can on the pitch.
I have never played soccer and you wouldn’t want me out there wearing our proud colours. I have worked in volunteer organisations for the majority of my career and take seriously the job which lays ahead.
I will work for you and hope you will work with me to ensure the Reds keep their heads high in defeat and higher again in victory.
We have a great history to uphold, together anything is possible.
Your President,
Andrew Elsbury